Yet, more women on boards means more profit for companies! By evaluating 2,400 global companies, Credit Suisse, an international investment bank, determined that high net worth companies with women on their boards performed 26% better than those with only men.
Still on the topic of boards, McKinsey, an American consulting firm, reports that boards are 28% more profitable when they are diversified. Who’s to be credited for this? Women directors are, for their ability to attract the best talent and better understand the client base.
Despite showing (slow) improvement in the state of the talent pool in organizations, the higher women climb, the lower their representation. One of the breaking points in this pipeline? Getting to the first level of management is the hardest: for every 100 men who become managers, only 87 women are promoted.
And worse still, as of 2019, far more women managers are leaving their companies than men managers: for every woman manager who is promoted to the next level, two women in management choose to leave their company.
So, how can you retain your female talents and support them if they want to move up the ladder? Find out more about what is holding back your female talent.