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Training Leadership Challenge: vision, courage, and impact




Through reflection periods, workshops, a self-defined challenges, and co-development sessions, participants test and integrate habits that help their teams thrive, including introspection, active listening, and continuous improvement. They are better equipped to navigate an ever-changing work landscape.


Approach Three Pillars of Growth

Self-Awareness: The Cornerstone of Strong Leadership
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To go beyond their expert reflexes and grow, people first need to clearly understand their own needs, strengths, challenges, and goals. No matter where participants are at in their introspective journey, the Leadership Challenge invites them to deepen and articulate their values, their leadership approach, and the role they play in the success of their teams and companies.


Courage: The Key to Lasting Engagement
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While a boss can quickly advance alone, a leader knows how to use her listening skills and kindness as a tool for going farther with her team. To help each participant fully embrace their role as team leader, the Leadership Challenge enables them to use their influence, cultivate their adaptability, prepare for sensitive conversations, and develop the relational courage needed to build innovative, collaborative, and productive teams.


Impact: Measuring a Multiplier Effort
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Being an inspiring leader goes beyond simple team management, it’s the ability to empower each collaborator and infuse daily actions with meaning. In a complex, political professional landscape, this involves the ability to understand and act with discernment. By providing the right information, the necessary support, and positive reinforcement, graduates of the Leadership Challenge give projects an energy boost, which fosters a culture of innovation and productivity.


METHODOLOGY An Opportunity to Take Action

While behavioural transformation is our core methodology, our tools are challenge, microlearning, alternating introspection/action, role models, and co- development squads. Since action is the only way to adopt lasting new behaviours, our workshops and web conferences create safe spaces to ask targeted questions, reflect on desired outcomes, adopt an open- minded approach, and test out new practices before integrating them.
  • Icône en lien avec le marché du travail, le Défi Leadership de L'effet A
    Microlearning and Daily Actions
  • Améliorer l’attraction et la rétention de vos talents
    Co-Development and Networking
  • Contrib
    International Leaders
  • Des enjeux spécifiques, le Défi Leadership de L'effet A
    Alternating Introspection and Action
I’m interested
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What kind of profile are you seeking for this program?

The Leadership Challenge is for women leaders with more than 5 years of team leadership experience working in a medium to large company. Their titles can vary, from department head, to director, to executive director, to vice-president.

What unites our participants is their desire to combine vision, courage, and impact. Together, they are ready to test and integrate new behaviours that can raise the profile of their teams, companies, and industries.

View the Schedule

IMPACT A Program That Cultivates Ambitious Leadership

The proud graduates of the Leadership Challenge finish the program better equipped to:

  • Promote their ideas, arguments, and convictions
  • Make informed, agile, and timely decisions, even under pressure
  • Navigate the company’s political and sociocultural environment
  • Overcome obstacles with confidence and determination
  • Give meaning to their team’s overall vision and day-to-day activities
  • Bring key people together around a shared strategy and objective
  • Encourage introspection and awareness of our impact on others
  • Adopt transparent, effective, strategic means of communication
  • Initiate difficult conversations, delegate, and motivate their teams
  • Generate enthusiasm, commitment, and energy for their key projects

Would you like to convince your company to invest in its female leadership?

Your company can cover the cost of your training journey! Discover a few tips and key selling points to best communicate the value added by our program and give yourself every chance.


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Take Up the Challenge Leadership Challenge: Leader with Courage, Leader with Impact

The Leadership Challenge is a transformative training program for women with more than 5 years of team leadership experience.

Its goal: unleash and amplify each leader’s strategic potential by inviting them to test new approaches, cultivate their managerial courage, and build committed, independent, caring, high-performing teams.

Register for the Next Cohort