Women’s Ambition : coming together for the future

IN-DEPTH SERIES Women’s Ambition : coming together for the future

Because we are convinced that female ambition nourishes our collective one, we present to you our in-depth series about women’s ambition. Discover its roots, its obstacles and the possibilities it offers everyone. Read it, consult it, and mostly, share it. Because inequality has gone long enough.


For us, it is an incalculable loss every time a woman walks away from her professional aspirations. A step backward is a setback for us all. Faced with the current situation, we feel a greater sense of urgency than ever to take a stand and act.

femmes ambitieuses

Half of Humanity

Open Letter

91% of ambitious women believe that gender equality should be a priority for companies, according to a survey by The A-Effect - Leger.

femmes ambitieuses

In depth-series : women's ambition Many initiatives to come

In the next coming months, The A Effect will launch multiples initiatives that center around female ambition!

An in-depth series that revisits female ambition, its roots, its obstacles and the possibilities it offers. Stay updated on our content!
– The findings of a major study on ambition and women’s career.
– A free webinar offered to our ambitious community of women, taking place this winter.
– A workshop on the best practices for inclusion and diversity offered to our partners
– An all-new newsletter especially designed for our community of decision makers

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