5 Graduates Tell Us Why Continuing Education is Essential

Training, having a coach, having a mentor; there are many ways to keep learning in your career, and to keep learning. In our study conducted with the Globe and Mail, we found that ambitious women adopt a learning posture and are eager to learn! But why do they choose to continue learning? We have asked 5 of our graduates their opinion on this question.

– Déborah Thebault, Founder & CEO – GIENOV – Digital and environmental transition
How important is continuing education in your life?
It is extremely important! It has allowed me to be where I am today, to be able to work with two government departments and several private entities, in an intellectually stimulating environment and with inspiring teams.
How did you become aware of the importance of continuing education?
I became aware of the importance of continuing education after my Specialized Masters, thanks to my professional experience. I also realized its importance through my career coaching, which brought me peace of mind and self-confidence. I was able to find myself!
How does continuing education relate to your ambition?
It allows me to continue to grow my company at 34 years old. For several years now, I have had my professional independence thanks to Continuing Education and I have been able to blossom fully, with the environmental impact that I want and in a caring human context. Continuing Education allows me to make the choices I want to make.
Why do you continue to train?
For many reasons! To feel good personally, to maintain my self-confidence, and to fight against the imposter syndrome. For the intellectual stimulation; I love learning, and I get bored quickly! To offer as much added value as I can to my clients, and to work in accordance with my environmental and ethical convictions and finally, to stand out!
A word to encourage other women to continue their training?
Go for it! Continuing Education requires time, energy and resources, but it brings much more. It is a positive vector of development!

– Isabelle Kunze, Head of Health Unit and Head of Corporate Health Services, Vaudoise Insurance
How important is continuing education in your life?
Continuing education is very important to me. It is essential given the speed at which the world moves, evolves and changes. It allows us to grow personally and professionally, to maintain a good level of competency and thus to increase our self-confidence. Therefore, I dedicate time to train myself, both in and out of the company, and encourage my employees to do the same.
How did you become aware of the importance of continuing education?
By going to trainings, by meeting motivating people. According to personal or professional needs at different times in life, it is important to increase and develop your skills.
How is continuing education related to your ambition?
It strengthens my confidence, my independence and it is a source of motivation. It provides me with tools that complement my daily work and it allows me to broaden my network. It helps me to keep up with some of my professional projects.
Why do you continue to train?
Because one must remain curious, open-minded and because we are never done learning (individually or professionally).
A word to encourage other women to continue training?
Be curious, to train is to evolve! Never stop learning, it is essential!

– Mejasoa Razafimihary, Senior Director, Corporate Communications and Marketing
How important is continuing education in your life?
Continuing Education is an integral part of my life. You have to keep learning whether it’s through formal education (school, seminars, corporate training) or informal education (taking on new projects, meeting different people). I think there are many opportunities to learn and to be trained, and we must seize those that will push us forward.
How did you become aware of the importance of continuing education?
Very early on I had to realize that I had to keep learning while working because I am one of those people who decided to make a career change at a young age: I decided very early on not to work in my academic field. And even though I had the right instincts for my job, I had to educate myself, read, and take webinars to deepen and expand certain skills related to my new field.
How does continuing education relate to your ambition?
My ambition is to have an impact, to make a difference and to advance projects that are close to my heart, in fact I want to contribute to building a better world. And for me today, this means supporting companies in their sustainable development approach, which in my opinion is the challenge of the hour, and the challenge of our generation. I therefore decided to pursue a DESS in Management and Sustainable Development at HEC Montreal. It is not only in line with my ambition, but also with my values.
Why do you continue to train?
I continue to go through trainings because it’s important, and there are so many things that we don’t know. I also like to understand what I do. For me, Continuing Education is not about the diploma; it’s about taking the time to gain knowledge, to have a different experience, and to be open to topics and ideas that will take us elsewhere. And then to bring what we have learned and understood to what we do in our professional and personal lives.
I am fortunate to have a supportive family and an employer who encourages me to always push myself.
Any words to encourage other women to continue their education?
Do it for yourself! It will take you beyond what you could have ever imagined!

– Marie-Pierre Archambault, Director of Corporate Services and Customer Service, Transurban
How important is continuing education in your life?
Quite important; being curious always makes me eager to explore and learn while training allows me to take action.
How did you become aware of the importance of continuing education?
Education is an opportunity to learn, but also to confirm concepts, to interact with peers and add new tools to one’s knowledge. After being back to school for a graduate program at HEC Montréal after many years in the workforce, I became aware that education was not just about getting another degree, but rather about giving me a space to confirm practices, to share real-life experiences with professionals from other fields, to benefit from each other’s knowledge and experiences, and to broaden my network.
How is continuing education related to your ambition?
My ambition is to contribute to the community’s development, my own and that of others, and also that of the company. This pushes me out of my comfort zone every day, and education is one of the ways that allows me to strengthen my confidence in my abilities to do so. In a constantly changing world, Continuing Education allows me to improve my agility, my innovative capacity and my resilience on top of broadening my network.
Why do you continue to train?
In addition to being professionally valuable, it is an opportunity to invest in myself. Through various forms of education, I learn new skills, acquire new knowledge to implement, grow professionally and develop new professional relationships.
A word to encourage other women to continue training?
Whether it is to acquire or update your knowledge or skills, to change jobs or simply out of curiosity, don’t wait, go ahead! Enroll and invest yourself fully, you will certainly come out a better person.

– Nadia Belazzouz, Project Planning and Control Manager Hydro-Québec
How important is continuing education in your life?
It is vital. First of all, to continue growing in my knowledge, skills and methods of working, but especially to keep myself in good shape mentally. Our daily lives, both personal and professional, bring us a variety of challenges and situations that can make us lose focus and our reference points. By getting out of the routine, education leads us to look at the whole forest rather than the tree, thus taking a step back and giving us perspective. It also allows me to grow my toolbox and to develop new angles of approach. Lastly, it is an opportunity to maintain and expand my network: to meet professionals who share a desire for growth (technical, organizational or skills) and to exchange on challenges and co-development. I have had a diverse range of training and development including a mentor, a coaching program, shared knowledge through networking events, targeted training and learning communities.
How did you become aware of the importance of continuing education?
When you’re new to the workforce, you’re eager to learn. You are like a sponge; you want to absorb everything. The more you progress in a company and the more you gain seniority, the more you get sucked into the daily routine and spend less energy on your professional development, without even realizing it. When I realized that I was investing in everything, but myself, I realized that it was my responsibility, and even my need, to take time to grow. When I had another chance to learn, I met a community that shares aspects of my reality and with whom I can grow. I knew that I would never again lose this chance of learning.
How does continuing education relate to your ambition?
It allows me to reframe myself. It reminds me of my strengths and helps me work on my weaknesses. By sharing with others, putting my skills into practice and maintaining a growth mindset, it makes me see things in a different light and explore new ways of working. I know how to get out of my comfort zone by daring. I have reached my position through my strengths and past experience, so what better way than to continue to improve myself and make sure I am not held back by my blind spots in my professional progress. Building my base, getting to know myself better and continuing to learn and grow, that’s how it relates to my ambition!
Why do you continue to train?
Basically, it’s a time to feel good. It is also very valuable for my own development. It helps me offer my teams a better version of myself and it helps me build my future. I am curious and ambitious by nature, I love meeting people, learning new ways of doing things and especially knowing that I am investing in myself!
A word to encourage other women to continue their education?
It’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Knowing yourself better allows you to better anticipate your reactions, better plan your next move and know how to make your strengths shine. You will be able to bring your full value to the table, and get the imposter syndrome out of the way! It is essential to not only work on your areas of improvement but also to invest in your strengths and surround yourself with people who will complement you!
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