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Training Leadership Challenge: Strategic Contribution




Reflection, workshops, challenge, and co-development: during their program, participants integrate cross-functional information-seeking habits to deepen their understanding of organizational issues and fully contribute to them with their team. This enables them to create value in an ever-changing world of work.



100 days




In English

Available in French

Approach Intentional Conversations to Elevate Yourself

Confidence Pillar: The Foundation of Solid Leadership
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To go beyond your expert reflexes and grow, you first need a good understanding of your environment and your team’s strengths. The Leadership Challenge encourages participants to step out of their day-to-day operations to discuss with other managers, so they can pinpoint a compelling business issue that will enable them to create value. Their conversations with themselves, their team, and their organization become more intentional.


Curiosity Pillar: Engaging New Stakeholders
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The participant plans and implements a stakeholder engagement strategy, including mobilizing her team, to solve a compelling business issue that she has identified. She is thus creating value and amplifying collective intelligence, which increases team members’ understanding and highlights it in a new way within the organization.


Credibility: Influencing a Direction
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The participant makes recommendations despite an incomplete picture, and makes the case for her and her team’s solution with conviction, to influential people in her organization. She is thus having a high-level conversation and growing her skills in an environment where contribution and perfection are not synonymous, but where voices and perspectives are truly heard.


METHODOLOGY An Opportunity to Take Action

While behavioural transformation is our core methodology, our tools are challenge, microlearning, alternating introspection/action, role models, and co- development squads. Since action is the only way to adopt lasting new behaviours, our workshops and web conferences create safe spaces to ask targeted questions, reflect on desired outcomes, adopt an open- minded approach, and test out new practices before integrating them.
  • Icône en lien avec le marché du travail, le Défi Leadership de L'effet A
    Microlearning and Daily Actions
  • Améliorer l’attraction et la rétention de vos talents
    Co-Development and Networking
  • Contrib
    International Leaders
  • Des enjeux spécifiques, le Défi Leadership de L'effet A
    Alternating Introspection and Action
I’m interested
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What kind of profile are you seeking for this program?

The Leadership Challenge is for women leaders with more than 5 years of team leadership experience working in a medium to large company. Their titles can vary, from department head, to director, to executive director, to vice-president.

What unites our participants is their desire to combine vision, courage, and impact. Together, they are ready to test and integrate new behaviours that can raise the profile of their teams, companies, and industries.

View the Schedule

IMPACT A Program That Cultivates Ambitious Leadership

The proud graduates of the Leadership Challenge finish their program better equipped to:

  • Make enlightened decisions in a shifting context
  • Clearly express their team’s impact within the organization
  •  Demonstrate keen understanding of other people’s interests and priorities
  •  Expand and actively maintain their network of influential people
  •  Reflect on business issues beyond their current operations
  •  Create the ideal context for their team to influence them, to help new solutions emerge
  •  Ask questions to understand their organization’s compelling issues


  • Stay informed about issues in their organization’s other sectors and lines of business
  •  Tackle complex organizational problems
  • Show adaptability and resilience in the face of change
  •  Adopt a mobilizing communication style that aligns the team’s strategies with those of the organization
  •  Highlight their team’s strengths within the organization
  •  Put forward their ideas and arguments with conviction
  •  Initiate strategic conversations with influential people

Would you like to convince your company to invest in its female leadership?

Your company can cover the cost of your training journey! Discover a few tips and key selling points to best communicate the value added by our program and give yourself every chance.


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RISE TO THE CHALLENGE Leadership Challenge: Curious Leader, Strategic Leader

The Leadership Challenge is a transformative training program offered to women with 5 or more years of experience leading a team.

Its goal: unleash and amplify each leader’s strategic potential by inviting her to test out new approaches, cultivate strategic curiosity, and build committed teams who create value for the organization.

Register for the Next Cohort