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Corporate Program Toolbox

When you register five or more participants in the same cohort, you benefit from several advantages and communication tools. Below are the main steps you will need to take as Program Leader before the official launch and throughout the program(s).



Your Toolbox

  1. Key dates and reference tools
  2. How to select and register your participants
  3. How to maximize program impact: corporate support
  4. Plan your pre-launch meeting
  5. During the program: keep in touch with participants’ experiences
  6. After the programs 
  7. FAQ

1. Key dates and reference tools

The Important Steps document gives you an overview of the key steps and what’s ahead.

Important Steps (pdf)

The Candidate’s Guide is designed for women wishing to find essential information about each program. We invite you to share it with your participants. It includes the programs objectives, their methodology and detailed schedules.

Candidate’s Guide (pdf)




The Program Guide is designed for companies, managers, human resources team members or anyone else who wants to better understand our programs and their impact on women’s talent and organizations.

Program Guide (pdf)

In order to provide an optimal experience for your participants, make sure to share our IT/TI Guide with your teams now, so that they can authorize access to the various tools and materials of the journey.

IT services: important accesses to be authorized

As a program leader, we will contact you at various points along the way to keep you informed of the key steps of the cohort. As manager support is crucial during the next 100 days, we are also offering a series of emails dedicated to them, in order to involve them in their employee’s journey. Check out the communications schedule to learn more.

Communications schedule – Program Leaders (pdf)

2. How to select and register your participants

STEP 1: Select your participants

Start your selection process with internal communications, for maximum visibility with potentiel candidates, managers and senior management. Download the templates below and adjust them according to your objectives and priorities.

Template: Starting the selection process – All programs (docx)

Template: Starting the selection process – Ambition Challenge (docx)

Template: Starting the selection process – Leadership Challenge (docx)

The Program Leader’s Guide offers you several tips for selecting your candidates and actions to accompany them during their journey. It also features the best practices for contributing to the impact of The A Effect program(s) within your company.

Program Leader’s Guide (pdf)

STEP 2: Tell them the good news

As soon as the selection of your candidates is finalized, we invite you to send them an announcement email to acknowledge their participation in the program. Don’t forget to include the Program Guide to ensure the commitment of participants throughout the program and to confirm their availability for each event.

Template: Announcement to your employees (docx)

At the same time, send out a general communication to highlight your new cohort!

Template: Congratulations to the new candidates (docx)

STEP 3: Register your participants

Complete the registration form in one entry by August 23, 2024.

Register your participants for the Fall 2024 cohort

3. How to maximize program impact: corporate support

Involve the managers of participants in the Défi 100 jours / Ambition Challenge
We invite you to send an announcement email to the participants’ managers, informing them of the company’s participation in the program(s) and the selection of their employee(s). Don’t hesitate to send them the Manager’s Guide so that they can learn about the program(s) and their role. This guide provides a few simple steps to accompany their employees during the program(s).

Template: Notice to managers – Ambition Challenge (docx)

Manager’s Guide – Ambition Challenge (pdf)

Support your Leadership Challenge participants
It may be a good idea to identify a cohort sponsor, who could arrange meetings with members of senior management and talk to participants a few times during the 100 days. See the Company Support Guide dedicated to the Leadership Challenge for theses tips.

Company Support Guide – Leadership Challenge (pdf)

To involve managers throughout the program, we’re offering you a series of emails intended for them, to help them better understand the experience(s) of their participant(s) and share tips and suggestions for discussion topics according to each pillar. You will find these emails in the communications you receive as a program leader. Simply download the communication, personalize it based on your needs and send it to the relevant colleagues.

A few extra meetings over the 100 days
The professional journeys at The A Effect are turnkey to give you maximum impact with your employees without affecting your internal operations. It is also possible, for companies that wish to do so, to personalize these journeys by adding a few extra meetings over the 100 days. We have several suggestions to share with you, inspired by initiatives with partner companies of The A Effect, which you can add to and adapt based on your resources and objectives. Contact us!

Invite graduates to become ambassadors for your next cohort
Graduates can support you in the roll-out of your cohort by, for example, facilitating the participants’ Teams group, answering their questions or sharing advice inspired by their own experience. They can be present at the pre-launch meeting, watch the web conferences with participants, and host a few meetings during the journey (virtual café or in the office) to nurture the internal network and commitment of participants. Find out more about these tips and best practices in the Guide below.

Graduate/Sponsor Guide (pdf)

4. Plan your pre-launch meeting

Between August 19 and September 13, 2024

If you registered 11 or more participants in one or more programs, you are invited to attend and co-organize a pre-launch meeting that is set to take place before the official launch of each program and through the videoconference platform of your choice. Our team offers a presentation of the program intended for your participants, their managers, and your human resources representatives.

STEP 1: Book a date

If you wish to organize this meeting, use the tool below to reserve the date that is best for you. This reservation will ensure the availability of our team, but will not serve as an official invitation.

Book your pre-launch meeting
If there are no suitable dates or times, please write to us.

STEP 2: Prepare your meeting

Plan your official invitation and add your guests (participants, sponsors, managers, members from the human resources team). Prepare your meeting agenda based on our model that can be tailored to your needs. Return it to us by email no later than two days before the meeting.

Download the meeting agenda (pdf)

STEP 3: Download the presentation

A few days before your meeting, you’ll receive the presentation document, along with the names of the members of our team who will be present. We invite you to share the document on your screen during our team’s presentation of the program.

5. During programs: keep in touch with participant’s experiences

You will receive the two documents below via the first communication of the journey.

Your access to events and journeys as an observer 

To fully understand your employees’ experience, we invite you to attend the official launches and web conferences of the programs in which your employees participate – the workshops are reserved for participants only because of the squad meetings.

Event connection details (pdf)

You also have access to the learning platform, the weekly meeting place for participants where the program activities can be found. Your access allows you to consult the activity cards in read-only mode.

Learning platform connection guide (pdf)

How to raise your participant’s profiles during and beyond the 100 days
Raising your participants’ profiles within the company is a great way to highlight their engagement and celebrate their accomplishments. This is also an opportunity to showcase your female talent and heighten awareness of your commitment to both gender equality and the employer brand. We invite you to create visuals or video clips of quotes/testimonials from participants, which could be shared via social networks and/or your internal communications networks. You can also seek out testimonials from managers about the changes observed in their participants, which could be shared using your communication tools and/or social networks.

Check out our Brand Guide and these guidelines for future publications.


6. After the programs

100 days later, your employees have had many experiences that have helped them integrate new behaviours to their daily lives. How can the impact of these learnings be maximized and made sustainable?

Prepare an internal communication and LinkedIn publication to congratulate the new graduates, ideally signed by senior management.

Template: Congratulations to the new graduates (docx)

At the same time, celebrate your graduates by organizing a dedicated event. Here’s an agenda to inspire you!

TO COME: Agenda: Virtual celebration event (docx)

– Plan a review of the experience
– Maintain contact points between your participants/graduates to feed the internal network
– Encourage managers to continue to meet their graduates to follow up on their achievements and link them to their development objectives
– Invite your graduates to join the Club A!* Download this template (in French), adjust it if you wish, and send it to your graduates, all cohorts included.

*available in French only for the moment

Consult the Leaders’s Guide to find these best practices, and contact us for advice customized to the realities of your organization.

7. FAQ

FAQ Answers to your questions

Where can I view the fees?
Accordeon's chevron

Contact us at to find out the different rates offered, depending on the number of participants.

What are the key billing steps?
Accordeon's chevron

When you reserve your places for a cohort, you can request a detailed quote.

When completing the official registration form, you can select the type of billing you require:
– Group (strongly recommended): the person responsible for invoicing will receive a single invoice.
– Individual: each participant will receive an individual invoice. For this option, an administrative charge of 3% will be applied to each invoice.

We then invite you to pay within 30 days, by bank transfer.

What to do if a participant cancels?
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We invite you to consult our General Sales Conditions, which includes our cancellation policy.

How do participants receive the program content?
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All communications, activities and learning content are available on The A Effect’s learning platform. Each week, participants receive an email notification informing them of the availability of a new activity card. Additional communications are sent to participants a few times during the 100-day period: reminders the day before each event or any other important information related to the program they are participating in.

What information will I receive as program leader?
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As program leader, you will receive details on how to log on to the learning platform as an observer. This information will be emailed to you on the day the first activity card is available. You will be able to follow the program at the same pace as your participants and find the login information should you wish to attend the official launch or web conferences.

How can participants communicate with your team?
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For any questions related to the program, technical issues or to share comments, we invite participants to contact our team directly by phone or by email.

North America: + 1 438 499-0147
Europe : +33 7 82 47 55 20

How long do participants have access to the learning platform?
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Participants have access to the learning platform up to 30 days after completing the program.

What will participants receive at the end of the program?
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One month after the end of access to the learning platform, participants will receive a certificate of training by email and will be able to download their individual end-of-program report via the learning platform. This report will include all of the questions and answers indicated in the platform as well as the various tools, checklists or references that were shared with them during the 100 days.

When will I receive the report on my group of participants?
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If your group is made up of five or more participants in a program, you will receive a final report one month after the end of access to the learning platform, in which you will find a summary of your participants’ experience. This document will allow you to track their progress over the 100 days and to support them in their professional development.

If your group is made up of four participants or less, we will be pleased to send you the cohort report that will allow you to track the progress of all participants.